Dry Needling therapy is based on Western medical research and principles. Dry needling entails the use of single-use fine filament needles that are inserted into trigger points (taut band) or nodules within the skeletal muscle. It is aimed at reducing pain and muscle tension as well as stimulating deep tissue release, resulting in improved movement.
No solution is injected during the session, hence the name ‘dry needling’.
What’s The Difference?
Dry Needling
Although certain similarities exist between both Services, the dry needling vs acupuncture debate is quite easily solved. The chief distinguishing factor between the two lies in the theory of why each technique works; dry needling focuses primarily on the reduction of pain and the restoration of function through the release of myofascial trigger points in the muscle. Comparatively, acupuncture focuses on the treatment of medical conditions by restoring the flow of energy - also known as Qi - through key points (meridians) in the body to restore balance.
What Are Some Dry Needling Therapy Benefits?
Dry needling stimulates your muscles, causing them to contract, and then to relax. This has proven to have significant benefits in pain management.
They include:
Reduced pain
Reduced muscle tension
Reduced muscle spasms
Improved range of motion
Help in controlling sports related injuries
What To Expect During Your Dry Needling Session
It is common to feel slight stings during adjustment as needles are inserted and removed. Slight twitches of the muscle have also been observed as needles are inserted into myofascial trigger points; however, these brief discomforts should last no more than a second before subsiding.
As with all other forms of adjustment, dry needling does carry some associated risks. Before beginning treatment, your physiotherapist will explain the risks in detail, and will help you to determine whether dry needling is the suitable course of action based on your personal needs.
Only single-use, sterile needles are used during dry needling. They are promptly disposed of using certified sharps containers.