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Also known as Scroth Therapy, Scoliosis Specific Exercises are customised specifically to each individual, and contain corrective exercises for scoliosis that help to return the curved spine to a more natural position. This is done by de-rotating, elongating, and stabilising the spine in a three dimensional plane.

What Are Some Benefits Of Performing Exercise For Scoliosis?

The main goal of performing exercise for scoliosis is to prevent the illness from worsening, thereby saving cost and avoiding the trauma of surgery. Depending on the patient’s age range, degree of curvature, and bone maturity, bracing may be included in the treatment. Benefits include:

  • Improved core stability and strength

  • Improved posture leading to easier breathing

  • Decreased pain radiating throughout the body

  • Improved overall movement patterns and function

  • Improved self-management and understanding of the spine

What To Expect In Scoliosis Specific Exercise Therapy

Exercises for scoliosis are suggested based on the patient’s curve patterns and severity, as well as their function and mobility. The goal is to create awareness of the new posture and alignment through position, repetitions, and breathing. Exercises are designed to reduce flat back and rib prominence, while restoring alignment of the pelvis. The practitioner may modify exercise positions in order to create the optimal position for the patient; the practitioner will also guide the patient with tactile stimulus to provide them with an understanding of where they need to breathe and elongate to create muscle activation and correct the curve.


Conditions that can be treated with exercises for scoliosis include:


  • Adolescent Idiopathic scoliosis

  • Degenerative scoliosis

  • Functional scoliosis

  • Structural scoliosis

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